Thursday, July 18, 2024

Summer 2015, series of U of Illinois SCANDALS..


On the heels of the:


The 1st one being Dr Joe White, caught up in the Admissions SCANDAL

[ former disgraced IL governor Mike Blagoyevich (married to wife, who's U of I Economnics alumni), who tried to get crony's (unqualified) kids into U of I. Someone in U of I Admissions realized this was FRAUD, & whistle-blowed it to the MSM (Mainstream Media)

Freedom of the Press is part of the Constitution -- Checks/Balances against Icompetence/CORRUPTION ]

The 2nd one being Mike Hogan (& his crooked female accomplice, Pyschology Prof), former U of Connecticut President. They had messy paper-trail there, but the Search Committee (paid $600K!!) nevertheless chose the bum! Sure enough, he caused CHAOS, to the point a faculty committee

[ led by Dr Gordon Baym

( U of I Physics, Harvard PhD..advisor was Physics Nobelist Dr Julian Schwinger. Gordon is a close family-friend of ours, since my Mom was babysitter for his son Michael )

with others incl Dr. May Berenbaum (aka "The Bug Lady") ]

intervened to force Hogan (& his female accomplice) to RESIGN!!


An *insider* (whose Dad was offered the Presidency) went PUBLIC on forums

[ then owned by News-Gazette ]

about Hot Garbage "leadership" at U of I:

Coach Juice box wrote:

Agreed, but on the outside looking in, I thought MT [ fired Athletic Director Mike Thomas ] had a stellar reputation and I didn't even know about the awards he won. I was actually shocked that anyone was able to convince him to come to Illinois. I really thought that he'd get some quality coaches here. As time goes on, I think the real elephant in the room is the top-level "leadership" we have; it's hot garbage. 

For example, my Dad has been offered by the UofI to interview for several high-level positions over the past 4-5 years, including the highest [ President U of Illinois ]. He also was formerly employed at the UofI for 20+ years, before moving on. His reply to the interview offers have always been, while chuckling,

"there's no way I'd ever work there now; the place [ U of Illinois ]  is a disaster.”

My Dad seriously considered working for UNC

[ caught NCAA violations, 2005 NCAA Basketball final between UNC & U of Illinois — NULLED!!! ]

at a high-level position, recently. THAT'S how #$%&@!ed up things are at the UofI.  

 ^^^ DOUBLE WOW!!!

We NOW know the source of the problems at U of I -- TOXIC top-level Leadership!

There is just one Scandal AFTER ANOTHER..seemingly endless

Just "Google Search "U of Illinois scandal", it's quite FRIGHTENING!

U of I gets FLOODED with complaints via Phone, from Alumni.


[ via slimy lawyers, crooked U of I Police, unethical top-level Administrators ]

 has devised a "criminal frame" paper-trail for complainers:

"categorizing complainers as psychologically UNSTABLE"

whose complaint phone-calls are re-directed to U of I PD (Police Dept)

^^^ GREAT! U of I has now FRAMED the callers (with Valid Complaints) with

"sordid paper-trail"

It HAPPENED to me, since 2010 -- when I called to alert U of Illinois of an

IMPENDING SCANDAL at Caltech/NASA/JPL (Caltech manages JPL under NASA contract)

 in order to PROTECT my Dad's legacy:

He was U of I Aerospace Eng Prof/Dept Head, whose various accomplishments incl:

Establishing a Collaboration/Cooperation effort between U of I College of Engineering & JPL

where his contact at Caltech/NASA/JPL (also U of I Aerospace Eng PhD) was

Dr Ken Atkins

[ Manager NASA/JPL Stardust mission, comet-collecting spacecraft. He flew strategic B52 bombers in Vietnam conflict, former US Air Force ]

who greeted the U of I College of Engineering delegation of Profs, led by my Dad

^^^ ALL about to get THROWN AWAY by the

MOSTROUS SCANDAL sourced as JPL (non-PhD astronomer, a SOCIOPATH operating for 40 odd years)


U of I Aerospace Eng (now generalized to U of I, U of I Police..implicating *slimy* U of I lawyers)

are an *accessory* ("enablers") to the HIDEOUS Caltech (who runs JPL under NASA contract).

My friend Dr Sandra Troian (Caltech Aerospace Eng Prof, former Princeton Aerospace Eng Prof)

EXPERIENCED the same Idiocy/Lunacy from Caltech TOXIC "leadership"

[ Jewish (scumbags) President Dr Thomas Rosenbaum (Physics) & Provost Dr Ed Stolper (Geophysics) ]

who attempted to EXTORT her, after she *correctly* reported her Israeli post-doc committing ESPIONAGE (Threat to National Security):

sending sensitive info (from Sandra's JPL project) back to Israel

by contacting the FBI. As per Security Briefings (which *I* ALSO had!):

"Mandatory Requirement to report ANY Threats to National Security"

Female office-administrators ACTUALLY *broke* into her office, to STEAL her evidence!!

Poor Sandra, developed heart problems..! She SUED Caltech -- & WON!

Open & Shut case, the felony "breaking & entering" is pretty DAMNING!

IRREFUTABLE Evidence, Smoking Gun Evidence, etc

All documented below:

Lawsuit says Caltech Provost andothers ignored Israeli spying and then retaliated against whistleblower

Sandra's field is SAME SECTOR as my Dad:

Aerospace Engineering

where she recognized many of my Dad's contacts:

Dr Ted Wu (Caltech EAS "Engineering & Applied Science")

Both Ted & my Dad were close collaborators, both Chiao-Tung alumni (MIT of China)

I ACTUALLY contacted Dr Ted Wu via phone (he's retired living in nearby San Marino), who CALLED ME BACK!

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